How to turn off Google Signals

Due to GA4 data thresholds, Google Signals is skewing GA4 data in some Raptive dashboards, particularly on the Performance by Page and Performance by Source reports. We recommend turning Google Signals off for now. This will not impact ad revenue and will allow us to track and display GA4 data in your dashboard more accurately.  

Here’s how to make sure Google Signals is disabled:

If you have never enabled Google signals, you’ll see a ‘Get Started’ button. No action is required in this case. 

The ‘Granular location and device data collection’ toggle is on by default and should remain on.

Google Signals never enabled.jpg


If you have enabled Google signals, you’ll see the toggle on:

Google Signals Enabled.jpg

Slide the toggle to the left so that the checkmark turns into a line and the toggle greys out. Google Signals is now off, and you’re all set!


Google Signals disabled after enabling.jpg

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