The Performance by Category report helps you understand how your different content categories contribute to your overall ad revenue. Use this report to decide where to focus your efforts for creating and promoting content.
Using the categories you’ve assigned in WordPress, we pull in key metrics to help you easily identify your site's highest-performing types of content. Knowing how your content performs across different categories on your site enables you to create more content that brings in the most traffic and revenue.
- To view reporting data, you must be using WordPress and have assigned content categories.
- The report includes data from content with a modified post date of July 2021 or later.
In this report, you’ll find a summary of performance data for all posts assigned to each category. For the date range selected, you’ll be able to see the following performance metrics:
- Total sessions/pageviews
- Total earnings
- Average RPM/Page RPM
- Average CPM
- Total number of posts contributing to those data points
Why don’t I have Performance by Category in my dashboard?
For now, Performance by Category is only available for WordPress users. We hope to support other content platforms soon—reach out and let us know which CMS you are using so we can investigate adding this report for you!
Where does the Performance by Category data come from?
We use WordPress post metadata to surface category-level performance. Since Performance by Category reflects your category setup in WordPress, the more structured and organized your WordPress categories are, the more useful this report will be for you.
Which posts are included in the post count for each category?
Performance by Category includes posts that were last updated after July 2021 or one year before you installed Raptive ads, whichever is more recent. You can see a full list of the URLs contributing to the report data in the export file—click Export Data to download.
Why don’t my total earnings in Performance by Category match other reports in the dashboard?
Since WordPress allows you to add multiple categories to a post, Performance by Category will include earnings for a post in the totals for each category it’s assigned to. It’s best to use this report for an overall view of how different categories perform on your site, rather than keeping track of exact earnings.