We love hearing about your new sites and want to help you get Raptive ads running on them as soon as possible! While we typically require a minimum of 100,000 pageviews per month, Raptive publishers can add additional qualifying sites at a lower pageview requirement.
Before you submit your application for an additional site, go through the following checklist to make sure you have the best chance of approval.
Checklist for adding a new site to Raptive
Google Analytics is set up and tracking your traffic correctly
- If you have a Google Analytics 4 property on your site, please also set up a Universal Analytics property
- Your site is secure and running on HTTPS
You’ve published a good number of high-quality, original posts
- See this helpful resource: Google’s Quality Guidelines
- If you include affiliate links in your content, you have the proper disclaimers in place
- You have a strong “about me” section or page
You have a privacy policy that’s linked in the footer of your site
- If you need help creating a privacy policy, check out this sample!
- All your navigation links work correctly
- You have no empty categories or informational pages
You have a good percentage of written content above the fold
- Aim for about 20–25% of your own written content above the fold. This could include your “about me” widget in the sidebar or the preview text for a post.
If you’re currently running ads, your ad layout is well-balanced with your content
- Google requires that ads take up less than 30% of the screen, so make sure your content is front and center!
Once you feel like your site is ready, submit an application. If you’d like, reach out and let us know you’ve submitted, so we can be on the lookout. We’ll be in touch soon!