“Do Not Sell or Share my Personal Information” FAQs

At the bottom of every site that works with Raptive, we add a link that reads “Do not sell or share my personal information.”

Do not sell or share my personal information.png

“Do not sell or share my personal information” helps you comply with privacy regulations

The “Do not sell or share my personal information” link is a way consumers can opt out of the selling or sharing of their personal information by businesses. Although we don’t sell anyone’s data, we sell ad spaces and pass along non-personally identifiable visitor data.

Privacy laws like California’s CCPA/CPRA have their own definition of "sell" which includes any transfer of personal data for anything of value. Even if you don't sell data for money, this definition applies to web ads, so the link needs to appear.

At the beginning of 2023, we expanded the “Do Not Sell or Share my Personal Information” link to all US-based site visitors and worked closely with the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) to develop the best solution that minimizes the effect on ad performance and user experience.

The IAB’s framework for consent includes a consent string accessible via client-side API, so other services can access and act upon that string as well. For your third-party services, we recommend contacting each to ask what steps they take for compliance.

How does “Do not sell or share my personal information” link work?

The “Do not sell or share my personal information” link shows at the bottom of the homepage or the first page viewed on your site. The link matches the style of other links on your site.

Do not sell or share my personal information.png

When a site visitor clicks the link, a text box pops up explaining that they have opted out of the sale or share of their personal information from your site and any of your affiliates.

Opt-out of the sale or sharing of your information.png

The visitor can close the pop-up and continue onto the site, and the link will change to “Customize my ad experience.” If clicked, this link will opt the user back in. This process and standard language are required across the internet.

Customize my ad experience.png

Which site visitors see “Do not sell or share my personal information”?

Visitors from:

  • United States
  • Canada
  • Taiwan
  • Indonesia
  • Singapore
  • Japan
  • Australia
  • New Zealand
  • Mexico

Does the “Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information” link affect RPM?

No. We’ve found basically no revenue impact from visitors opting out via this link, which is great news!

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