
Note: Sertify is currently only available for US-based businesses

Advertisers are often looking to spend with diversely-owned sites and reach diverse audiences. Raptive creators have access to an Ad Targeting Options profile in their dashboard, which allows them to self-identify that they are a diversely owned business.

Raptive's Sales team has been very successful in securing ad budgets for diversely owned sites. To ensure we maximize DEI opportunities, we’re now partnering with Sertify to offer an additional verification process and to open up even more opportunities for diversely owned sites.

Sertify helps advertisers drive brand-safe DEI ad spending by verifying diversely-owned sites and providing creators with official accreditation.

Eligibility is based on the information you entered in the Ad Targeting Options profile in the Raptive dashboard.

If your business qualifies for Sertify verification, we’ll send you a link to our co-branded online application.
The application form only takes 5 minutes to complete and we’re covering all application and renewal fees.

Required Documents

Only two documents are required: one for verifying business ownership and one for verifying proof of identity.

One of the following eligible documents to verify your business ownership:

  • Business License
  • Local permit
  • Insurance document
  • Lease agreement
  • Financial or tax doc (e.g. 1099-NEC)
  • Legal document (e.g. LLC formation)

One of the following eligibility documents to verify proof of identity:

  • Disability-owned
    • Driver's license with disability designation
    • Vocational rehab specialist document
    • Individualized education program
    • Government disability benefits
    • Disability:IN cert of disability 
    • Recognized state agency certificate
    • Relevant social media content
  • LGBTQ+-owned
    • Community letters or media mentions
    • Legal documents with partner
    • Health documents with partner
    • Holdings with name of owner and partner
    • Physician letters
    • LGBTQ certificates/awards/recognitions
    • Recognized state agency certificate
    • Relevant social media content
  • Minority-owned
    • Driver license
    • Ancestry service
    • Birth certificate of parent or grandparent
    • Death certificate of parent or grandparent
    • Tribal registry letter
    • NMSDC MBE certificate
    • SBA-B(a) - MWOB certification
    • Recognized state agency certificate
    • Relevant social media content
  • Veteran-owned
    • DD-24
    • Driver's license with veteran designation
    • Veteran health ID card
    • Veteran ID card
    • Proof of service letter
    • NVBDC certificate
    • Recognized state agency certificate
    • Relevant social media content
  • Woman-owned
    • Driver license
    • Birth certificate
    • Passport
    • WBENC or MWOB certificate
    • Recognized state agency certificate
    • Relevant social media content

Once you apply, you should receive your Sertify verification within 1-2 business days.


I'm already verified through another program. Do I need Sertify also?

  • We still recommend verification through Sertify. This will increase the number of DEI-focused opportunities for which you will be eligible.

If I've already filled out the Raptive Publisher Survey / Ad Targeting Options profile, do I still need to complete the Sertify process?

  • Yes, Sertify requires the completion of our co-branded application form for this verification.

Do I need to be NMSDC (National Minority Supplier Development Council) certified for Sertify verification?

  • No. NMSDC isn’t a requirement for Sertify verification.

Why did you decide that I’m qualified for Sertify verification?

  • Based on the information you entered in the Ad Targeting Options profile in the Raptive dashboard, your business qualifies for Sertify verification.

If I decline to work with Sertify, am I opting out of all diverse creator-targeted ad campaigns?

  • No. Raptive’s sales team will continue securing and targeting campaigns to self-identified diverse owners. As more agencies and brands commit to supporting diversity efforts, verification providers like Sertify will increasingly become a requirement for campaign targeting. If you decide not to work with Sertify, it could prevent you from securing additional DEI investment from some agencies or brands.

If I own more than one domain, do I need to submit multiple Sertify applications?

  • No. Sertify applies at the business level. Raptive will work with Sertify to ensure all Raptive domains owned by your business get included.

What if I add additional domains to my business? Will those get added automatically to Sertify?

  • Yes. If your new domain gets accepted to Raptive, it will automatically be submitted and added to Sertify.

Will my email be shared with other parties beyond Sertify?

  • No. We’ll handle any further communication on your behalf.

What will this verification process cost?

  • This won’t cost you anything. We’ll cover all application and renewal fees on your behalf!

Can I promote my Sertify verification?

  • Yes! Feel free to communicate that you are Sertify-verified in your media kit, on your website, or wherever else you’d like.

I’d like to join the program, but I wasn’t invited to participate.

  • We’ve started with a small, invite-only, group of creators to launch our partnership with Sertify. We plan to expand this program to all of our qualifying creators in the near future. Reach out to your Raptive support team if you believe you would be a good fit.

What should I do if I was rejected by Sertify?

  • Please reach out to your Raptive support team and let us know. While certain advertisers may require Sertify verification, you’ll still have access to DEI advertiser spending through the other ways we make this information available to them.
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