How to use Topic in WordPress and Google Docs

Topic is an incredibly powerful SEO platform. On the Content Optimization page in your Raptive dashboard, you can create and access content briefs, to optimize your content with Topic.

You can work on your content within the Topic interface, or you can take advantage of some third-party integrations to help streamline your workflow.

If you prefer to edit your content directly in WordPress, install the Topic WordPress plugin to have all of the Content Optimization functionality right in the post editor. You can create briefs, access briefs you've created in your Raptive dashboard, optimize and grade your content, and mark briefs as complete.

Note: Please upgrade to version 1.0.22 of the Topic WordPress Plugin by July 15, 2023. Older versions may no longer be compatible with recent changes we've made to Topic.

The video below will walk you through how to install and use the plugin.

Topic WordPress Plugin


How do I give access to the WordPress plugin to my team?

Once you install the WordPress plugin on your site, all of your WordPress users should be able to open the plugin from the post editor. However, they will need to either log-in or enter a content brief URL in order to access the plugin's functionality. 

Option 1: Content Optimization Raptive Users (most common)

We are able to create special Content Optimization Users associated with your site that will only have access to the Topic WordPress Plugin and the Content Optimization features within the Raptive Creator Dashboard.

Simply email and let us know that you want us to create Content Optimization users and your teammate's emails. The emails will need to be Google accounts. Once these users are created, they should be able to log into the plugin through the "Sign In With Google" button.

Option 2: "Load Brief" Button

If you do not want your team to have any type of Creator Dashboard access, then it is possible to allow your teammates to access the Topic Wordpress Plugin's grading functionality. 

When your teammates open the Topic Wordpress Plugin, they should see a link that says "Load Brief". They can then click that link and it will prompt them to enter the URL of the content brief. 

The workflow is as follows:
1. The user with access to the Raptive Creator Dashboard will go to the Content Optimization section of the Creator Dashboard and create a content brief

2. They will open the content brief and share the URL of the content brief with the teammate. It should look something like "".

3. The teammate can then open the plugin, click "Load Brief" and then paste in the URL.

skitch (91).png


Topic Google Docs Add-On

If you or your writers like to use Google Docs to edit your content, you can install the Topic Google Docs add-on to grade and optimize your content right in the document. The video below will walk you through how to install and use the add-on.

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